Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Manners & Respect- What happen to them?!

Society has gone MAD!!  

I was raised up on please & thank you's, I was raised never to "invite" your self somewhere. I was raised on waiting until everyone is served to "eat" when in a large group. I was taught to RESPECT others - SPECIALLY my elders.  

My father has always openned the door for my mother. My father had always (if the door was opened before he could get too it) allowed all others to enter before he did.  He always walked beside- NOT behind & NOT infront of his wife.  My father always kissed his bride good bye & hello when leaving or coming home.  My father always was the last to grab his food from the plate at the center of the table.  

I was taught to be respectful of others & their differences. It wasn't polite to share. It wasn't polite or accepted to taunt. Swearing & cussing was not allowed in my household. We were only allowed to EAT what Mom cooked for dinner. There were no other "special" meals because "Little Leah" doesn't eat peas & ham. Guess I would starve that night & NO SNACK- before bed! No games were played at dinner time like if you eat three more bites you can be done. WE were told lil white lies such as eating carrots would make our eyes nice & strong. Eating peas would allow our hair grow really long & beautiful.  

Speaking of dinner- family dinner was a MUST. Everyone had to sit down to eat at dinner. There was NO dinner in front of the TV. TV wasn't on. IPOD's, Cell phones were not a thing of our pass- so those weren't an issue but I will be sure to tell you if they were they would be a BIG NO NO.  If the house phone rang- no one got up to get it.  Family gatherings were also a must.  Gatherings happened often including immediate & extended family & close family friends.  Everyone was accepted & everyone was welcomed.  Neighbors were friends & family.  

Speaking of neighbors- it did take the whole village to raise us. I remember receiving "spankings or lectures" for the NON parental form.  Well they were parents- just not mine! If we didn't mind our p's and q's when visiting others- my parents knew & we were in TROUBLE.  

Drugs & ALCOHOL were a big no no in the house.  We received the SEX talk at a very early age.  And my parents (who were actually very easy going) were very trusting & tough at the same time. They found the value in teaching us strong values so we made the right choices in life.  

And on another note: CHOICES as we grew older became our own choice. We were watched closely but allowed to make our own choices. Our choices at many times were both right & wrong.  When they were the wrong choices- my parents stood there & allowed us to fail.  They wouldn't let us "fail" to the point that we were harmed majorly, but they allowed us to fail so we knew what failure was.  They allowed us to fail at a sport- not make a team.  My parents understood that not everyone was "made" to be a football player or a cheer leader.  They allowed us to find our own avenues of entertainment. They never deterred us - just because it was something they never enjoyed.  

I pray as I begin to watch  my child grow (inside my belly) that I can do HALF as good as my parents did. I pray that I can be HALF the parent my MOM & DAD were to me & my siblings.  I hope that they have instilled enough manners & respect in me to have the ability to show my child the same manners & respect.  I fear the biggest thing that will stop me from accomplishing my goals as a parent- is society.  My parents didn't have society against them when they were raising children. I should say they had some of society against them but society wasn't so "nosy" back then.  I'm not dumb enough to believe that "my son" will be nothing less of an Angel- but if teachings and parentings are interrupted by society - may cause him harm in the future. If you don't believe me just look at the "kids" running around this world right now.  They lack lack lack the main basis of life... Manners & Respect. 

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