Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Horsewoman's Prayer

Dear Lord,

Give me the strength to start this day
And wisdom and courage to face whatever I encounter
Though my day is full, with work, errands & life in general
Help me remember to set aside time to spend with my horse
Even if it is just a few moments grooming, or a short ride at a walk
Give me discipline to include some "horse time" in my busy schedule
Help me manage my troubles
O Lord; my aches, pains & physical shortcomings,
so that I do not use them as an excuse not to ride
Also my mental frailties-help me to remember that it is not necessary to gallop bareback
 in order to enjoy equestrian pursuits
help me manage my fears so that I may stay safe, but not immobilized in my endeavors
Help me to love and appreciate my horse
even though she may not always cooperate with my requests
Give me wisdom to evaluate the situation and adjust as needed and
 serenity to accept with grace that which I cannot change
be with me as I commune with and support my fellow horsewomen-
 sharing strength and weakness alike,
 all of our common love of this wonderful create
You have given us, the horse.

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