Friday, February 17, 2012

Another note on pregnancy

My college professor said it best to me yesterday,

"Pregnancy is not an illness, many people want to believe it is.  Pregnancy is a normal way of life.  Women before us, have done many things while pregnant.  As long as you have a healthy pregnancy and get all the prenatal care that is recommended there is no reason you can't do the things you want to do or use to do."

  A lot of people want to judge us for what we do while pregnant from what we eat to the way we sleep- what you do is up to you and how you feel.

As I was opening up my laptop in a class to begin taking notes, a fellow classmate says- (commenting on my desktop photo) "Awwww is that your horse?" I naturally said yes- she's my baby.  Class mate says "Your still not doing that are you?" (in a real snotty questioning voice) I said, doing what? (already knowing her answer) "Riding?!" (again in a real judging voice) I said absolutely- although in reality I really haven't been riding much because its just been not feasible for other reasons. The classmate who I barely know- then had began to lecture me on the fact that I "shouldn't" do that while pregnant and how I need to think of others and its not just about "me" any more. And how dare I put my unborn child at risk.  Thankfully my pregnancy hormones didn't really kick in and I simply smiled at her & said: "My body- my baby- my choice and its your choice to disagree but its not your choice to lecture me."     And when you choose to NOT do something it shouldn't affect you negatively, however & unfortantly it does.

People chase me around- saying you shouldn't lift this or don't lift that but never offer a hand in lifting this or that. I mean if your going to "judge" me on the things I do or maybe don't do then offer your help. Otherwise bug out.  Just because I have became pregnant doesn't' mean that the rest of my world has stopped and is waiting for me to be "pregnant" again. I still have a job to do, I still have money that needs earning, I still have horses & dogs to feed. I still have duties as a wife, daughter and friend.  I have no problems doing the things that I do & when I feel I may be doing too much or maybe shouldn't be doing such and such thing- then I won't do it.  I am not going to let my pregnancy define me into being a hermit, couch potato or any other thing that I am not.  I will not let this pregnancy turn me into a whiny, crying women!  I am a strong & independent women and as long as my Doctor and I agree- I will continue to do the things I want and when I want.  I love my unborn child & will never intentionally do anything to harm him. <3

So with all this being said- I ask you to respect my own ways and stop trying to judge me.  I am not some evil women who doesn't care about her unborn child.

Lastly let me also state that I do not care to hear about your horrid child birthing moments. I guess most assume that because your now pregnant most people want to tell you their horror stories.  Please keep them to yourselves!

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