Monday, January 9, 2012

Why Lie?

Why do people lie? To get themselves out of trouble, because they think the truth will hurt more & most times for absolutely no reason.  I would be lying to you if I said I never lied before.  But I learned at an early age that lying will not get you far and it tends to hurt people more in the end.  People lie for different reasons and why they lie sometimes is beyond me.  What I don't understand is why people lie about some of the stupidest things.

When you lie to me (specially when its not essential) you tend to fall down on my list of people of  those who I can trust.  Lying creates problems in all your relationships.  If you lie, it makes your character weak and cancerous like.  Once someone realizes your lying to them- they tend to back themselves out of your life, no one really wants to deal with a constant lier.

What gets me is those who constantly lie that they start to believe their own lies. It's amazing to see this happen. These people create such complex stories of lies that it must be hard to keep track of. No matter they are tired & run down by the end of the day.  I guess I just don't understand the reason behind lying and I suppose I never will.  I just know that I have had plenty of "so called friends" who just continue to lie to me about some of the stupids shit.  I just don't understand their reason behind the lies.  Why not tell the truth? In general the truth is nothing to be worried about or need a lie to cover it up.  Makes you wonder when a serious issue does arrive- how truthful are they?!

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