Monday, January 30, 2012

"Blood is thicker then water"
"You can pick flowers, your nose and your friends but you can't pick your family"

According to the Websters dictionary a family is: : a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head : household
a : a group of persons of common ancestry : clan

Not at all times do we think our families are that great. But when it comes down to it all- its truly the only family we got.  Cherish your family. Cherish the life that your family (parents) that have given to you.  Be thankful for those problems that they created in your life. 
Greatest memory  I have & probably my first memory that I can ever remember involves (yep you guessed it) my family.  
1st memory: Involves me and my two brothers and one pink pair of Karate PJ's!  I don't know why or how I got the Pink PJ's but I did and apparently it was something I wanted or I really liked them.  The entire memory is a little foggy but the biggest & most exciting part of the memory is... Me (wish you could see the image that I have in my head right now) starting from the end of the long hallway where my bed room was running full speed down the all, through the "family room" springing off the step & jumping on both my brothers who where laying flat on their stomachs in front of the TV in the "living" room.  I landed across their backs & they both screamed "Mom" Leah hurt me! ha ha.. but the best part is as I jumped in the air I yelled "hiiiiii ya!" Yep I was the Karate girl in the pink PJ's!!
Greatest memory is going on family picnics to Memorial Lake. Memorial Lake was (what I though at the time) this GREAT beautiful lake that you could boat, fish and swim in/on.  WE use to get KFC and take it to the picnic area at the lake and EAT dinner at the lake. Dad & my brothers would fish (I would try too) while Mom just hung out & enjoyed the sunshine.  WE never had much money but my parents really knew how to show us how to have fun with what we got and what we had around us. 
I do think its important to remember your roots. I think its important to carry on some of your traditions that you shared with your family. I believe its important to show your children the ways that they were for you.  But most importantly its also a special aspect to develop your own ways and own "traditions" for what is perfect for you and your emerging family. 
Lastly its important to continue on the history of your family. Teach the history of your Mom, teach the history of your Dad.   

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