Monday, January 16, 2012

Words HURT

I'm not totally sure that people realize how much words actually hurt some times.  I'm not the only one that has been on the end of hurtful words. I'm sure there has been plenty of times I have had hurtful things and I should be more forgiving. But honestly I'm tired of those who supposedly "care" or "love" me are so hurtful & hateful.  I attempt to make myself forget about them or pretend that they don't bother me but today I have had my fill. My meter has been pegged for some time now and as soon as I think I'll explode the meter goes down, but today has just filled & over flowed the flow! I just don't understand, I feel like I give so much but NEVER NEVER get what I deserve back.  I've learned several times in the past that I am the door mat for friends to clean their feet on.  But yet I still let those kind of ppl in my life. Am I really that desperate for friends.... I guess so- I'm no better then the next person.

1 comment:

  1. This post you just wrote expresses what I sometime think but never say Leah. In the end all that matters for the most part is family a hard and sometimes hurtful lesson to learn.
