Friday, June 15, 2012

Dear Baby Boy Burge- Hurry UP!

Yes in all fairness you are only 2 days late, but I'm just beyond excited to meet you.  You have been torturing me with aches and pains for several weeks now, making me think you were just days away.  The pains and aches have severely worsened over the last couple days.  They are all not things I can't deal with because truly so far I can, however, I am very tired of feeling crappy with no results! :) I love you more then you ever will know and I haven't even met you yet.  Your Nana is here to spend some time with you but you haven't made an attempt to show your precious little face.  I am sure she is getting bored and tired of waiting as well. She will have to go home next week to baby sit your cousin Chase.  Please little man, show your precious lil feet and hands and face. <3

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Choice's I MAKE shouldn't be judged during MY pregnancy

Last time I checked I was the one who is pregnant here. Last time I checked it was my body & my decision on what things I want to do and NOT do during this pregnancy.  I have had an amazing pregnancy and have choose to stay clear of all the NO NO's during pregnancy such as taking OTC medicines (although there were times I could of used a Tylenol or two), I have avoided drinking alcohol, I have majorly CUT back caffeine and have done my very best to eat healthier foods.  Because I am nearing my due date- my doctors have schd. me an induction date "just in case" I go beyond my due date.  Since announcing my induction date many people have criticized my doctors suggestion for the induction date.  Although I plan to do this birth as drug free as much as I can I am also very open to what may or may not happen. I am walking into the L & D with a very open and understanding mind. Do I want to avoid an epidural- yes. Do I want to avoid a c-section- yes. But I also am very much aware that things may not go the way they are planned and I think by accepting the fact now- it will make things a lot easier for me in the long run. Anyway its just annoying to know that people judge you for the actions you do or do not take when choosing what you want to do during your own pregnancy. I guess like they say opinions are like assholes- everyone has one.