Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome 2013

Welcome 2013- to new hopes, new joys and new prospects. I approach this new year with high hopes of getting this accomplishment, courage and rewards.  I hope that this year doesn't burden me like the last year did.  That year is over and done with and in the end it turned out okay.

I set personal goals for myself this year:

I wanna do a 365 day project
Finish Clay's baby scrap book
straight out financials and get money saved
buy a house
get a horse trailer
ride more
be a great mom
be a great wife
live life to its fullest
be a better person then I was this past year
blog more - plans for an every day blog
help others help themselves

Cheers to a new year 2013!!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Of course Men want to have babies...

Of course men want to have babies- nothing ever seems to change for them. Sure, that shear moment when the child is born- suddenly they realize that their life has changed...(a little). But we need to back up several months (9+ months to be exact) to really bring this full point home.

When a man & women (yes it takes two of different sexes to legitimacy make a child) decide to have a baby the work in progress starts way before the baby is even conceived.  The women must (to ensure proper work) prepare her body by eating healthy, stay away from booze, other external medications such as Tylenol and other medications possibly hazardous to the embryo, she must and should start on prenatal vits to make the uterus the prime spot to implantation.  As she becomes pregnant she must carry the baby, grow and nuriush that baby, she must eat right, stay away from possibly all the things she use to love like sugar, caffine, alcohol and other possibly dangerous foods.  The women must endure months (9+ to be exact) of multiple trips to the bathroom, doctors offices and other important places that revolve around the care of their child.  The women must deal with mulitple people and things sticking things up them several times during that 9 month stay of the baby not to mention the mass exit that the child will make on D-day.

Once the child is born the work continues and grows bigger. Because at this point you thought you would have help from the "man".  The man although he thinks he's helping easily gets aggervated, can't handle all the crying, thought it would be easier and obviously thinks of it as a chore and a hassle.  Women on the other hand love the "job" at hand and actually know it when the time is over and they are grown.  In the mean time the women at times will finally be the end of her frayed rope & there (unfortantly) will be no one to help her climb back up it. She will have to managed herself with bare blistered hands.  As she slowly climbs up her frayed rope she knows & wonders "No Wonder Men want babies, nothign changes for them." They still go out & get to go back to work after teh child is born. They can lift, carry and move in bed with no problems after birth. They sleep through the child crying or at least pretend too and all too often there is a nice wife who is nice enough to allow some long line and they almost always end up choking themselves on it. They still get to sleep in, go out with friends and everything else. They didn't endure the emotional roller coasters that plagued our bodies for the 9 months of pregnancy and way after!

Sigh.... guess that is why women will always be the strong race because they have no choice but to be strong and fend for their own and their children.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Dear Baby Boy Burge- Hurry UP!

Yes in all fairness you are only 2 days late, but I'm just beyond excited to meet you.  You have been torturing me with aches and pains for several weeks now, making me think you were just days away.  The pains and aches have severely worsened over the last couple days.  They are all not things I can't deal with because truly so far I can, however, I am very tired of feeling crappy with no results! :) I love you more then you ever will know and I haven't even met you yet.  Your Nana is here to spend some time with you but you haven't made an attempt to show your precious little face.  I am sure she is getting bored and tired of waiting as well. She will have to go home next week to baby sit your cousin Chase.  Please little man, show your precious lil feet and hands and face. <3

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Choice's I MAKE shouldn't be judged during MY pregnancy

Last time I checked I was the one who is pregnant here. Last time I checked it was my body & my decision on what things I want to do and NOT do during this pregnancy.  I have had an amazing pregnancy and have choose to stay clear of all the NO NO's during pregnancy such as taking OTC medicines (although there were times I could of used a Tylenol or two), I have avoided drinking alcohol, I have majorly CUT back caffeine and have done my very best to eat healthier foods.  Because I am nearing my due date- my doctors have schd. me an induction date "just in case" I go beyond my due date.  Since announcing my induction date many people have criticized my doctors suggestion for the induction date.  Although I plan to do this birth as drug free as much as I can I am also very open to what may or may not happen. I am walking into the L & D with a very open and understanding mind. Do I want to avoid an epidural- yes. Do I want to avoid a c-section- yes. But I also am very much aware that things may not go the way they are planned and I think by accepting the fact now- it will make things a lot easier for me in the long run. Anyway its just annoying to know that people judge you for the actions you do or do not take when choosing what you want to do during your own pregnancy. I guess like they say opinions are like assholes- everyone has one.  

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sometimes you have made all the right choices & still end up with the raw end of the stick

A man works all his life spending most of his time as a "labor" of trades. He spends most of his working life (so far) in one job.  He goes to work most days he's suppose to with little to no unscheduled time off's.  He pay's his bills to the best of his being & respects people that deserve to be respected.  He makes a living on his own and doesn't rely on anyone -Not even his government to pick up his slack that he may have.  Man- losses job for circumstances that weren't really that fair.  As man for once decides to stand up for himself & do what he believes is right- is broomed back into a corner and told to sit & deal.  Deal with the struggles of financial hardship in this already poor economy where he was living pay check to pay check, deal with the wrongful doing of others who are so hateful that it hurts them to look at themselves in the mirror and the struggle to not provide the support needed for his growing family that had high hopes and dreams that are hasty crashing down... Man finally through  his pride asks for Government's help, Government gives him a stiff middle finger. How is it, that when you are really down & out you have no assistance- but the man next door who drives the BMW and wears a Rolex watch is living off the taxes that we have paid to society? But yet when hard working man needs the assistance- he is denied all the way back to his broken down home.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Struggle with the paths of life

Days like today when something goes wrong I wonder where did my dreams go? Why did I stray from the path I wanted so long ago. Some days I cuss as to why I did I let things go wrong.  Other days I’m so thankful for the wrong turns.  If it were for the paths that I didn’t plan I wouldn’t be where I am today. But then again if it weren’t for the paths that I didn’t plan on, I wouldn’t be where I am today. How do you find the happy median? When do you find the happy median? When is enough enough! I have made every attempt to believe in such things as; “Things happen for a reason, The glass is half full- never near empty, If you do good GOOD will be done onto you, You show dedication and reliability, support, happiness, positiveness and you will thrive in this world.” But in most situations I’m getting the short end of the stick. 

People live life in one of two ways: As a victim or as a survivor.  In most instants I AM a survivor- but most of the time I want to cry HELP- VICTIM!  Remaining positive all the time is exhausting, being a victim is (appears) to be easier. 

The negativity in other people only damage my already half cracked soul. I hold myself together with only a string of faith. The string is strong however, it sometimes just doesn’t hold.  I typically don’t try to allow negative people to bother me but some days you just can’t take anymore.  Things tend to build up regardless if they are related or not, and some days you just can’t take it.  I don’t completely understand why I have been put in these situations- seems so unfair to have such negative things going on “what seems like” all the time.  My soul, my strengthen and my positiveness is ONLY so strong. 

Yes... things happen for a reason- but I'm still trying to grasp how this situation will not affect not only my dreams, but the dreams of my future family in mental, physical and financial aspects. My only solution at this point is to let things go as they need to go and as the old saying goes "God won't give me anything I can't handle." Just wish he wouldn't trust me so much.   

Monday, February 20, 2012

Work Ethic- is it worth it?!

Growing up my parents already made me responsible for what I did and what I was going to do.  They taught me the difference between being lazy and working hard. They showed me that hard work typically paid off. Back then- hard work did pay off.  In the same respect I was taught that dedication showed how valuable you were as not only a person but a worker.  The length that you dedicated to a job or anything for that fact- really helped you move forward specially in the business place.  Now this should go with out saying but I will say it anyway- there will always (has always been) some places that none of the above applies- HOWEVER- this seems to be more the case in todays economy and day and age.  If you typically show more ethusiasm, more work ethic, more dedication you appear to be a "threat" to a higher up.  You no longer are viewed as valuable in your work atmosphere.  You are more like a THREAT.  Dedication, years of service and an extra A plus on your work ethic gets you no where.  The only way you seem to improve your situation (no matter the case) work or personal life- it seems its all on who you know & (lets just say it) who you blow!

It is rather frustrating to see such good & valuable people go to waste. Our business don't hold us as valuable. They hold the jerk holes that are worthless & typically don't have the stamina to last or the work ethic to create a better "life" for the business in itself.